About QUIC.cloud

It started with a high-performance, event-driven web server, built from the ground up, with the goal of improving internet speed and reducing system resources.

Our Story​

When we wanted better server capacity, we built an innovative cache engine.When we wanted to integrate intelligent caching with popular web applications, we built a series of handy plugins.

QUIC.cloud is the natural next step on our journey.

It combines image and page optimizations for WordPress with a cutting-edge content delivery network. We’ve built the world’s first CDN capable of caching your dynamic WordPress content at the CDN level.

This is a Good Thing. Because serving your optimized and cached content from a CDN node saves bandwidth and noticeably improves performance.

Every time our team has encountered a bottleneck on the quest for a faster internet, we’ve done the work and built a solution.

Will there be more bottlenecks and more challenges ahead? We sure hope so. Because we’ll be right here, innovating and providing unique antidotes to common speed problems. Like we have for over twenty years.

Ready to join us on this journey? Sign up for QUIC.cloud today!

About the QUIC.cloud Team​

QUIC Cloud, Inc., founded in 2019 by George Wang and the team at LiteSpeed Technologies, is independent, privately held, and based in New Jersey, USA.

QUIC.cloud takes LiteSpeed’s decades of high-performance server software design experience, and points it in a new direction, undertaking content delivery acceleration on a global scale. We’ve put our expertise to work in building QUIC.cloud, using and improving upon trusted technologies from our existing products.

At the heart of QUIC.cloud CDN is our popular LSCache engine. 

LSCache features a well-defined API, and is used in a rich set of web application plugins. The LiteSpeed team’s prowess in dynamic content caching has led to QUIC.cloud’s biggest claim to fame: QUIC.cloud is the first CDN capable of caching dynamic content at the PoP level!

From cache engines to cache plugins, from WAF to HTTP/3, our team has the knowledge and the curiosity to meet any challenge and produce the customized solutions and features that set QUIC.cloud apart.