QUIC.cloud CDN is Production Ready!

We are pleased to announce that QUIC.cloud CDN is production-ready!

If you tried QUIC.cloud previously, during our beta period, then we hope you will be pleasantly surprised by all of the exciting enhancements that we’ve implemented recently, including our own DNS service and a greatly expanded and improved network of global nodes.

QUIC.cloud DNS

Our new QUIC.cloud DNS is an authoritative GeoDNS solution that responds with optimal location-based results through our global AnyCAST network.

QUIC.cloud DNS allows you to optionally simplify your site’s CDN setup with automated DNS configuration. A great option for those whose current DNS provider doesn’t support CNAME flattening or ANAME/ALIAS records, QUIC.cloud DNS allows you to use QUIC.cloud CDN with your root domain.

Expanded and Improved Global Network

Our CDN network is bigger and better than ever:

  • 68 PoPs and counting
  • Average latency less than 10ms in Europe, North America, and Oceania regions
  • Improved GeoRouting accuracy
  • Failover support: if a node is offline for a period of time, visitors are automatically shifted to other nodes, minimizing downtime

Improved Security

QUIC.cloud protects your WordPress sites from botnet attacks at a global scale. When an attack is detected, the bot is blocked at the CDN level, thereby extending protection to all domains in the network.

Additionally, when enabled, QUIC.cloud will block all non-trusted visitors from accessing your WordPress site’s XML-RPC file.

Protocol Switching

QUIC.cloud is the first and only CDN capable of using QUIC & HTTP/3 to connect from client to server, when the browser and the backend server support HTTP/3. If there is no HTTP/3 support at either end, QUIC.cloud automatically connects via HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 as appropriate.

HTTP/3 v1 Support

QUIC.cloud has been preparing for HTTP/3 v1 since the beginning. We are proud to officially support end-to-end HTTP/3 v1 connections upon the IETF’s publication of the RFC.

Regional Pricing

We’ve switched to a regional pricing model to better reflect the price of routing traffic around the world. Enable all eight regions, or require traffic to be routed only through the regions you choose. You are in control.

New introductory pricing for each region goes into effect on July 1st until the end of 2021.

Improved User Dashboard

In addition to the many changes we’ve implemented to improve useability, we’ve added a my.quic.cloud screen bursting with detailed statistics about your CDN traffic.

Let us Know What You Think

We hope we’ve convinced you to give production-ready QUIC.cloud a try! Introductory pricing is in effect until the end of this year.

And know that just because we are out of beta, it doesn’t mean we have finished innovating or improving our service. We welcome your feedback!

Is QUIC.cloud faster than your previous CDN providers? Are you encountering any issues with setup or performance? Please don’t switch away silently – we want to know the bad as well as the good, so we can address any issues.

Let’s keep improving QUIC.cloud for everyone!

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