Why Should I Switch to QUIC.cloud?

You may be wondering whether QUIC.cloud could replace your current CDN on your WordPress sites. Here we attempt to answer the question “Why Switch to QUIC.cloud?” by addressing some of the specific concerns that you may have.

What makes QUIC.cloud unique?

QUIC.cloud has a few important features that other CDNs do not, including intelligent full page dynamic caching, CDN-level cache for logged-in users, and end-to-end HTTP/3 connectivity..

Full Page Dynamic Caching

QUIC.cloud takes the power of dynamic LiteSpeed caching to a global level. Out-of-the-box, QUIC.cloud works with the LSCache plugin for WordPress, delivering your cached content around the world, whether your site is powered by a LiteSpeed server or not.

LiteSpeed Cache is the world’s smartest cache and purge system. Plus, the LSCache plugin has a five-star rating, and the most active users of any cache plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory!

CDN Level Cache for Logged-in Users

LiteSpeed cache features ESI technology, which makes QUIC.cloud the only CDN that can cache content for logged-in users directly at the CDN level.

End-to-End HTTP/3 Connectivity

QUIC.cloud was born supporting HTTP/3. And, assuming there is HTTP/3 support at the client and the origin server, end-to-end HTTP/3 connectivity is possible with QUIC.cloud. If either end does not support HTTP/3, QUIC.cloud automatically switches to HTTP/2 or HTTP/1 as appropriate.

Why should a Cloudflare Business Plan user switch?


As of this writing, Cloudflare Business costs $200 per month. QUIC.cloud includes many of the same features within its ecosystem at a fraction of the price. Among these are DDoS protection, dynamic content caching, and application security for WordPress.

In addition, QUIC.cloud also provides access to services such as image optimization and CSS optimization, which are not a part of Cloudflare plans at all.

Access to these services is provided for free via the LiteSpeed Cache plugin. While monthly free quota is limited, it is enough for some sites. If it’s not enough for yours, depending on your site’s needs (and possibly your patience level), you can either wait for the free quota to replenish itself every month, or you can pay a reasonable price for more quota.


Because QUIC.cloud focuses on WordPress, QUIC.cloud knows how to protect WordPress. Brute force and xmlrpc.php attack mitigation is built into the CDN service.


QUIC.cloud’s ability to intelligently cache dynamic content sets it apart. LiteSpeed Cache’s targeted smart purge technology purges updated content, as well as any other page that is influenced by that content. In other words, QUIC.cloud and LiteSpeed purge just the right number of pages. Other solutions purge too few (just the edited page) or too many (all of the site’s pages).

Can QUIC.cloud compete with APO or Railgun?

Cloudflare APO (Automatic Platform Optimizations) for WordPress caches dynamic content on the edge network. QUIC.cloud does this, too. And, as we’ve covered already, QUIC.cloud dynamic cache is smarter.

Cloudflare’s Railgun is not about page caching. It’s about speeding up the process of retrieving uncached content from an origin server. Cloudflare needs to worry about this because Cloudflare must retrieve all dynamic requests from the origin server. QUIC.cloud is different, because both static and dynamic content may be cached at the CDN level (and managed through the LSCache plugin). This not only improves the overall bandwidth speed, but it also means that QUIC.cloud can keep requests to the origin server to a minimum.

So, why switch to QUIC.cloud, again?

QUIC.cloud was among the very first CDNs to launch full page caching for WordPress, and QUIC.cloud currently provides the smartest and fastest caching system for WordPress.

Other CDNs such as the reverse-proxy-based Cloudflare, or the push/pull-based Stackpath, specialize in static content. They may do dynamic content, too, but not like LiteSpeed can.

QUIC.cloud is blazing fast, caching both dynamic and static content, and serving it globally via the cutting-edge HTTP/3 protocol. Additionally, QUIC.cloud is affordable (even free for sites with modest needs), and provides built-in attack protection for your WordPress site.

We invite you to give QUIC.cloud a try today!


Many thanks to Shivam Saluja for his contributions to this article.

3 thoughts on “Why Should I Switch to QUIC.cloud?”

  1. Unfortunately you guys have lowered your free cdn quota recently and this marks as another hint about discontinuing the free quota itself in coming days. A generous 10gb free cdn quota for litespeed enterprise servers were really good. Now that you guys have made it region based, asian cdn quota is just around 2gb quota which is too low.

    • We have no plans to discontinue free quota. We introduced regional pricing in July of last year, in order to more closely represent the actual cost of providing service in various areas of the world. Unfortunately, that means that sites whose traffic is concentrated in more expensive regions are not going to see the same benefits as before. You can always turn off the more expensive regions, or switch to the Free Plan, though I recognize that those options might not be attractive to you if your visitors are primarily Asian.

      We appreciate the feedback, and will keep it in mind next time we re-evaluate our pricing.

  2. The biggest advantage of Cloudflare has and Quic does not is advanced Firewall rules. Cloudflare allows to add multiple firewall rules to block unwanted traffic and security, but Quic cloud doesn’t have.
    Atleast you provide to add some page so it shows a captcha betore accessing these URLs. It helps to counter DDoS.


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